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What is a financial goal?

You’ve got this! A financial goal is any plan you have for your money. You can have short-term financial goals (like saving up $1,000) or long-term financial goals (like buying a house or investing for retirement).

What are some examples of personal financial goals?

Opportunities for success are more likely to come to those who have a clear financial roadmap and who set realistic financial goals. Whether the objective is to get personal finances back in check or to save more money, consider the following examples of personal financial goals. Many of these can be started immediately. 1. Build an emergency fund.

What does it take to achieve financial goals?

Learn more here. Achieving financial goals takes a little more than just luck. It requires discipline, dedication, and repeated sacrifice. It means setting short- and long-term financial goals and then following through on them. Unfortunately, these are things with which the majority of Americans seem to struggle.

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